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Vigo Village School

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Policies and Prospectus

Our prospectus covers just about everything a parent will need to know about the school.  Please follow the link below to access it, or contact the office should you require a hard copy.

Link to Prospectus

You can also access all of our school policies via this page.  Our ‘Statutory Policies’ are those which we are required to have in place, and these are reviewed and ratified annually by the school’s governing body.  Our ‘Curriculum Policies’ includes all of the subject policies in addition to the more generic policies such as Handwriting and Educational Visits.  Those policies that do not fall under either umbrella can be found via the ‘Other Policies’ link and, along with the curriculum policies, are reviewed and accepted by the governing body on a two year cycle.

Link to Statutory Policies

Link to Curriculum Policies

Link to Other Policies

Response to Covid-19 outbreak:

Following the relaxation of government guidelines, any addenda to policies that were instigated during the full and partial lockdowns no longer apply.  However, the school will continue to practise relevant measures such as procedures for the cleaning and ventilation of the school.