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Vigo Village School

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Admission Arrangements

We follow the LEA admissions criteria which is:

  1. Whether the child is a Looked After Child;
  2. Whether there is space in the year group;
  3. Whether a member of the family is currently at the school*;
  4. Geographical proximity;
  5. Health reasons.

* The family should continue to live at the same address as when the sibling was admitted.  If they have moved, it should be within two miles of the school or nearer to the school than the previous property.

Our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 30.  No infant child is taught in classes of greater than 30, unless a successful appeal is made to the local authority for admission to the school.

Parents do not have to send their child to school until the term after they are five.  However, we recommend that, wherever possible, all reception children start school in September either on a whole- or half-day basis, dependent upon their age.  Most children attend on a full-time basis within two weeks of the start of Term 1.

We have a planned induction programme for each child joining the school at the start of the reception year which includes collaboration with the main feeder pre-school, and meetings with parents and carers.  For those children not joining us in the first term of reception, we strongly recommend a visit to the school and a meeting with the head teacher prior to your child’s admission to school.

Applications for the following September's Reception places can be made between the preceding November and mid-January via the following link: 

Link to Reception applications

Our admissions policy can be found via the following link:

Link to admissions policy - includes details of how to make an appeal and our appeals' timetable.

Link to in year application form