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Vigo Village School

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Our governing body comprises members of the local education authority, community governors, parents, teachers and non-teaching staff.  They serve a four year term of office, and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge that is used to support and enhance the school.  Mr R Wemyss chairs the full governing body.

The full governing body meets three times a year, and focuses largely on the school’s many statutory obligations.  The PASH committee is chaired by Mr Wemyss and is made up of half of the governing body.  It also meets three times a year, and is charged with monitoring the academic standards of the pupils.  The other half of the governing body attend FRAP meetings, chaired by Mrs J Gibson, and their remit concerns the financial running of the school, incorporating the maintaining and enhancement of the school building and grounds.

A final committee, the Strategy team, meets for a minimum of three times per year.  This committee is made up of the chair of governors, the chairs of the PASH and FRAP committees, the head teacher and the school’s leadership team.  Their responsibility is to ensure that the school’s self-evaluation, and school improvement plan, reflects the current, and projected, position of the school.

The membership of the governing body is as follows:

Local Education Representative

  Period of Office
Mr E Hulf  03.02.25 - 02.02.29

Co-opted Governors   

  Period of Office
Mrs M Haydon 11.04.21  10.04.25
Miss E McCormack    16.02.23 – 15.02.27
Mrs H Edwards-Brown 10.06.23 – 09.06.27
Mr R Wemyss 31.01.22 - 30.01.26
Ms M Knapp 16.02.23 – 15.02.27
Ms C Paskova Willis 01.09.23 – 31.08.27

Parent Representatives

  Period of Office
Mrs J Gibson 28.09.24 – 27.09.28
Mr A Gardner 20.09.24 – 19.09.28

Head Teacher

Mr R Barber                            

Staff Governor

  Period of Office
Miss W Tomlin 16.09.24 - 15.09.29

Associate Governor

Mrs N Fry

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs A McNeil

All governors are appointed by the governing body.

Governors' Register of Business Interests

Governors' Code of Practice

Governors' Record of Attendance